Pengaruh stimuli eksternal dan stimuli internal terhadap impulse buying di Zara store Plaza Tunjungan Surabaya

Tanuwidjaja, David Edward (2015) Pengaruh stimuli eksternal dan stimuli internal terhadap impulse buying di Zara store Plaza Tunjungan Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University.

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh shop environment, shop staff, integrated marketing communications, emotional and cognitive estimation, hedonic motives , dan consumers ‘involvement into the fashion pada impulse buying di ZARA Store Plaza Tunjungan, Surabaya.Variabel dalam penelitian ini meliputi enam variabel bebas dan satu variabel terikat. Jumlah sampel penelitian adalah 100 sampel. Teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan nilai koefisien determinasi (R Square) diketahui bahwa presentase pengaruh shop environment, shop staff, integrated marketing communications, emotional and cognitive estimation, hedonic motives , dan consumers ‘involvement into the fashion pada impulse buying di ZARA Store Plaza Tunjungan, Surabaya adalah sebesar 95,6%.Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa shop environment, integrated marketing communications, emotional and cognitive estimation, hedonic motives , dan consumers ‘involvement into the fashion berpengaruh pada impulse buying di ZARA Store Plaza Tunjungan, Surabaya

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Department: ["eprint_fieldopt_department_Faculty of Business" not defined]
Uncontrolled Keywords: Shop Environment; Shop Staff; Integrated Marketing Communications; Emotional and Cognitive Estimation; Hedonic Motives; Consumers ‘involvement Into the Fashion; Impulse Buying.
Subjects: Business > Management
Divisions: Faculty of Business > Management Undergraduate Study Program
Depositing User: Operator Teknis
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2015 05:46
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2015 05:46

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