Pengembangan Prosedur Parangkat Lunak Pembelajaran Berbantuan Komputer

Pramono, Y.G. Harto (1996) Pengembangan Prosedur Parangkat Lunak Pembelajaran Berbantuan Komputer. Jurnal Teknologi Pembelajaran: Teori dan Penelitian, 4 (2). pp. 123-131. ISSN 0854-7599

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It is apparent that good Computer Assisted Instruction (CAl) help learners learn. However, learners do not always get benefits as much as CAl can actually offer. It is due to the fact that producing good and effective CAl software needs a careful planning and development. Otherwise, the CAl software developed is ineffective, and even useless. In developing a good and effective CAl software, there are procedures which should be done. The procedures begin with'conducting preliminary planning, and are then followed by preparing the content for CAl software, designing the lesson, creating the lesson, writing documentation, and validating the lesson. Following th06e sleps will improve the quality of CAl software.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: software PBK, prosedur pengembangan
Subjects: English Education
Divisions: Journal Publication
Depositing User: Josefine Hira Eksi
Date Deposited: 01 Aug 2018 06:36
Last Modified: 01 Aug 2018 06:36

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